Welcome to Culture Cafe

Culture Cafe is a room full of humans from diverse backgrounds who have one common goal: to learn.

Our Goals

  • To Empower English Language Learners

    Culture Cafe provides a supportive environment in which English language learners can practice speaking skills. We focus on conversation with multiple “chats” during each session, and participants help each other if anyone gets stuck!

  • To Promote Cultural Understanding

    Everyone has something to teach and everyone has something to learn! We want to cultivate an environment in which people can learn about their peers’ experiences through two-way conversation.

  • To Encourage Humans to Speak Their Truth

    We firmly believe that every human deserves the right to speak their truth. Everyone has a unique perspective and the world needs to hear it! We encourage respectful discussion on any topic our participants find interesting.

Our Mission

We believe that every human has a unique perspective worth sharing. Our goal is to promote reciprocal learning among humans from all different walks of life; everyone has something to teach and everyone has something to learn. We wish to encourage all humans to listen deeply to others' stories with respect and curiosity, and to empower all humans to courageously share their own stories.


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